Overall Story Description

Serena came back to Kali'ona Island after leaving for many years since her father's disappearance at sea. She's planning on staying at her parent's old beach house to help it weather the storm. Coming back to the Island Serena encounters strange things while reliving her memories of he childhood on the Island. The storm cuts out the power leaving her in the dark with no communication/electricity so she decided to just focus on the house. During her window inspections, she noticed the old lighthouse that had been abandoned for over 30 years came to life. Its bright light penetrated through the clouds and started blinking inconsistently. That was when Serena realized it was Morse code, reading S>O>S. She was shocked. Who would even be at the abandoned lighthouse during a storm? Serena grows curious trying to communicate with the lighthouse and uncovering weird events and information along the way. Who was at the lighthouse? What's with the oil rig? Is it all connected?

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