Week 5

Didn't feel like doing this after the times I was working on this over the week so I am going to be discussing what I did throughout the week.

Around days 1-2. I was figuring out animation and Collison detection but haven't really applied it to my game until days 3-4. This is when I fixed my Collison detection although have to get back to one animation in which It needs to play when a certain object touches another object instead of just moving forward which is what I did with the walking animation. I fixed the collision in day 5 making the bug only able to interact with the dung ball via back side (took me a while and different methods). If you don't want to here my thought process and methods skip methods portion.



I will try not to be too confusing but here it goes.

At first I was still lost on the physics aspect drawing pictures of the beetle and the mesh and what layers will collide with what (couldn't really grasp it). I then just backed away mentally and started with 3 different colored cubes (red/blue/green) each having their own rigid bodies and colliders. These were "testing blocks" I each gave them different layers corresponding to their color and tested it a lot. 

To give you a better Idea I wanted the blue block to be able to touch the red block meanwhile the green block is unable to touch the red block not even be able to move it but still have a rigid body and act like all the other loose blocks.

Ugh... to tired skipping ahead to the solution. What I did is I created a clone of the red block called it "red clone". I proceeded to make "red clone" independent not a child of the red block but instead added a copy script constantly copying red's location (I forgot why I did this but trust me their was a bug) whilst making it exclude all layers but green and slightly increased the now invisible(took off mesh) colliders radius. The I went into project setting and the physics chart and made it so that blue can pass through the invisible wall and touch red while green can't, and too make it so that green isn't just pushing this invisible wall I made "red clone" rigid body ---> Kinematic now it's like and invisible force only green can't go through nor affect yet every other object can come in contact with red, oh and I also had to exclude red from its own clone because then it will collide inside it's own clone and fly out the map.


I took many breaks, well I wouldn't call them breaks, maybe a break from the thing I actually don't want to do. I usually found myself working on other projects even going as far as doing my chores I planned on doing another day just to avoid reopening unity. I guess it's really hard to actually take a "break" (to turn off one's mind). I usually did this before well college after I was done with my small assignments like read 10 pages or write a small paragraph. For me  it  was --> "do it all at once"   then sleep or play games, not a care in the world.  I wish I can just forget about it until my schedule says otherwise but find it sitting there, constant in the back of my mind, one can't really do a project all a once, is it really done? What more can I add? Do I add more? Overall, feeling positive I have new challenges and feel pretty ahead or a least that's what I tell myself. 

P.S. Still don't regret soloing this project~~~


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Apr 17, 2024
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May 01, 2024

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